Admissions Policy

Follow the link for the Admissions Policy 2023-2024 outlining the arrangements and annual cycle for pupil admission to the school.

To find out about primary school admissions through Kent County Council’s website, click here

Applying for a Reception Place for September 2024

If your child was born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020

The application process for Reception Year Admissions for September 2024 opens on 3rd November 2023 and closes on 15th January 2024. Offers will be emailed after 4.00 p.m. on 17th April 2023. Details on how to accept/refuse the offer or make an appeal will be contained in the offer information. Advice may be sought from the Kent Admissions Team on Tel. 03000 412121 or Email:

If you have been unsuccessful in gaining a place for you child at Weald Community Primary School, then please add your name to the waiting list by phoning the School Office: 01732 463307 or emailing

In-year Admissions

To apply for a place outside of the Reception Admissions round then you will need to complete an In Year Casual Application Form (IYCAF).  This form will need to be completed and returned directly to the School Office at Weald. Please contact Cathrin Beddoe (School Office Manager) if you require further assistance with this form or any other aspects of applying for a place at our school.

If you have any queries about admissions, please phone the school office on 01732 463307.  

Visiting the School

The best way to decide upon the right school for a child, is to visit it!  Parents and carers of prospective pupils are very welcome to visit the school on one of our Open Mornings (advertised on the homepage of the website) or at any time by appointment through the School Office. Please contact the school office to make an appointment

Children come to the school from Weald, Hildenborough, Sevenoaks and the surrounding area. Click here for the school’s full  Admissions Policy.