School Type
Age Range
Queries from parents and the public
Leader of Learning Success (SENCO)
Inspection Report
School Type
Age Range
Queries from parents and the public
Leader of Learning Success (SENCO)
Inspection Report
Long Barn Road, Weald, Kent, TN14 6PY
01732 463307
Community Primary School
Mrs C Beddoe (School Office Manager,
Holly Taylor (
OFSTED REPORT 2020 OFSTED Report 2016, OFSTED Report 2011, OFSTED Letter to Parents 2011
Reception (Pluto)
Year One (Mercury)
Year Two (Saturn)
Year Three (Venus)
Year Four (Jupiter)
Year Five & Six (Neptune)
Arrival Departure
8.20 15.10
8.20 15.10
8.20 15.10
8.20 15.15
8.20 15.15
8.20 15.15
Morning registration: 8.20-8.30
The school is open for 35 hours per week
Parking for drop-off and pick-up is on Long Barn Road at the front of the school. Please observe the yellow zig-zag regulations, drive carefully through the village and avoid parking across and turning in the driveways of neighbouring properties. Parents should hand over their children at the school-gate and should not wait on the narrow pavement adjacent to the railings as this causes an obstruction to pedestrians.
If the school has to be closed for any reason (for example, owing to extreme weather conditions) a message will be posted on the homepage of the school website. A Teachers2Parents text and email will also be sent to all parents. Announcements are also made on BBC Radio Kent (96.7 fm or DAB) and other local radio stations.
See our Attendance Policy for more information
For information on the KCC Education Penalty Notices Code of Conduct, click below:
Kent County Council Education Penalty Notices Code of Conduct
We greatly value our regular contact with parents. For routine conversations with Class Teachers, we ask that you do so at the end of the day at pick-up. Longer appointments should be made through the School Office. Formal Parent Consultation Evenings are held twice yearly (Autumn and Spring Terms) and a full written report is issued at the end of the Summer Term. In addition, there is the opportunity to meet Class Teachers at the start of each academic year for a Curriculum Information Evening.