
Parent Links

The school enjoys positive and productive relationships with the parent body and the wider communities. The PTA is particularly actively and supportive in its social and fundraising role. The Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher attend all PTA meetings in order to discuss School Improvement priorities and to help facilitate fundraising events such as the Christmas Fair, Summer Fete, Quiz Night, Dragon Boat Racing etc. Within the academic year 2013-14, the PTA donated £10, 000 to the re-surfacing of the Jungle Gym, £43,000 to the construction of the Multi-Use Games Area and £6000 towards the installation of Wi-Fi. During 2015-16, two cabinets of lap-tops and I-Pads were purchased and these have proved invaluable in ensuring that ICT is used across the curriculum. Between 2016 and 2019, the PTA has maintained its commitment to the improvement of the school through generous donations to the installation of a new climbing frame; two new minibuses as well as educational resources in support of reading.

Without our PTA’s outstanding commitment, the school would struggle to drive forward its ambitious educational programmes.

Village Links

The School also contributes to and benefits from local community through its close links with the Parish Council (£20,000 investment in the MUGA); the Windmill Public House, the Village Shop; Weald Horticultural Society and St. George’s Church. The latter kindly hosts the school, for four major services of worship and celebration each year. See PTA Website.