Safeguarding Statement:

At Weald, we recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils, staff, parents and other members of the community. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where everyone is respected and valued. The positive ethos and value system is promoted through our vision statement, “Independence is Happiness”. As identified in our 2020 Ofsted Inspection Report, ‘The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Pupils are safe and happy at school. Leaders have created a caring culture in which staff know pupils well.’  These engender feelings of safety, happiness and self-worth amongst all children and adults alike. People are encouraged to experiment with and take responsibility for their learning as they are nurtured sensitively towards greater self-awareness and independence.

Safeguarding Contacts

Designated Safeguarding LeadMr David Pyle BA (Hons), AKC, PGCE, NPQH, 01732 463307
Deputy Safeguarding LeadMr Chris Taylor BEd (Hons)Deputy Headteacherchris.taylor@weald.kent.sch.uk01732 463307
Deputy Safeguarding LeadMs Lisa Drogomirecki BSc (Hons) in Education (QTS) NPQLBC, NASENCO, NPQSLLeader of Learning Success (SENCO)lisa.drogomirecki@weald.kent.sch.uk01732 463307

Government Guidance