
At Weald Community Primary School, we are highly committed to our broad and creative curriculum which, we believe, exceeds the expectations of the National Primary Curriculum, 2014 and provides solid foundations for ‘life-long learning’. It is underpinned by Character Education and driven by the values of ‘Optimism’, ‘Ambition’ and ‘Respect’. The medium-term plans (detailed under ‘EYFS’ and ‘KS1/KS2’) and Subject Policies, Action Plans, Assessment and Progression Frameworks, place an emphasis on a cross-curricular and enquiry-based approach so that children learn more holistically and become more accountable for their own progress and attainment.

Please see the Curriculum Statement & Coverage 2024-25

Their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is nurtured throughout the curriculum; of particular importance in this regard is the influence of Character Education.

For more detail on our Character Education programme please see our Summary of Character Education.


The content of the curriculum followed in each academic year for every subject can be found on the designated pages for EYFS, KS1 & KS2. The Long Term Overview provides the structure of learning and teaching for the entire academic year whilst the Medium Term Plans (issued six times per year) are more detailed outlines of curriculum content. For more detail, please see link to The National Curriculum


In terms of phonics, reading and writing provision, Read, write, Inc is used throughout the school supported by the Read, Write, Inc Spelling Scheme and book bag scheme. This is enriched by the Scholastic reading scheme to allow a wider genre of reading material to be read at home.

Parental support of reading is critical to a child’s academic development. The following comprehension questions can be used to evaluate understanding of books read with parents at home: Questions for reading

 Subject LeadLink Governor
Art & DTAmanda BirchWendy Wallace-Holman
ComputingKatrina Weingaertner & Steph VirgoRuth Richman
EYFSKate ShortallRuth Richman
GeographyDavid PyleGareth Willis
HistoryChris TaylorGareth Willis
LiteracyOliver Barter & Mary HeatherBelinda Brown & Philippa Bild
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)Sophie GeorgeBelinda Brown
MusicKate Shortall -
NumeracyChris TaylorGlynn Barwick
Outdoor EducationChris Taylor-
PhonicsLisa Drogomirecki, Kate Shortall & Amanda BirchBelinda Brown
Physical Education (PE)Chris Taylor-
Religious Education (RE)Angie Fitzpatrick-
Relationships and Sex EducationJanet CutbushDavid Pyle
ScienceJanet CutbushWendy Wallace-Holman