CEMA trenches experience

On Tuesday, 21st May, as part of their humanities learning this term, Year 2 Saturn class visited the CEMA trenches experience at the Kent Showground in Detling. They spent time in a recreated dugout, sitting in candlelight while an experienced member of the CEMA team showed the children artefacts and clothing from the First World…

Successful completion of Year 6 SATs

I am sure you will wish to join me in congratulating our Year 6 children on the successful completion of their SATs examinations this week. Owing to the guidance and careful management of ‘operations’ by Mr T, Mrs Cutbush and other staff, the children approached the test programme with calmness and their customary good humour…

The Big Community Sing 2024

On Thursday, 17th May, the KS2 choir performed at The Stag in Sevenoaks as part of the Sevenoaks District Council Big Community Sing 2024. They performed three songs and received fabulous applause and feedback. Kelly Webb, the organizer of the event, said, “The children should be so proud of themselves; they were amazing.”

Apraxia Awareness Month

May is Apraxia Awareness Month. Apraxia of Speech is a rare and complex neurological speech disorder. To spread awareness, Elizabeth Bull, a parent with first-hand experience, visited Year 2 to talk about the condition and to celebrate other ways we can communicate beyond speech. She read and signed Julia Donaldson’s ‘Superworm.’ We then taught the…

Eco-club visit to Bore Place

Our thriving Eco-club had a wonderful afternoon visiting Bore Place. The children took part in a wildlife survey where they learnt more about sustainability, ecosystems and habitats by observing the fascinating creatures who live there. “It was really fun, we got to see lots of interesting animals and even caught a glimpse of a blue…

Hildenborough Fun Run

On May Bank Holiday, some budding runners from Years 1 to Year 6 took part in the Hildenborough fun run! The weather was absolutely torrential and the course was more of a swamp by the time the children arrived to run their races. All finished covered in mud but with huge smiles on their faces.…