
A caring school at the heart of a cohesive community

Weald Community Primary School is situated in Weald Village adjacent to the village green. The original buildings were opened in 1892 with additions in the mid- 1970s. A new modular building consisting of two air-conditioned, state of the art classrooms and cloakroom were added during the Summer of 2011. 

More recent developments include the building of a MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area) on the site of the old tennis courts. This has provided additional playground space and  excellent facilities for the development of sport within the school. In addition, the “Jungle Gym” play area has been re-surfaced with all weather material to maximise its use throughout the year. Further improvement works during the academic year 2013-14 involved the replacement of the roof over Pluto and Venus classrooms including a new canopy over the outside area and the installation of a new boiler and heating system throughout the school.

In September 2016, the school added a class to its structure to make 7 in total, necessitating the construction of an additional classroom and expansion of the staff, administration and reception areas of the school. The classes are as follows: Reception (Pluto); Year 1 (Mercury); Year 2 (Saturn); Year 3 (Venus); Year 4 (Jupiter); Year 5 (Mars) and Year 6 (Neptune).

Independence is Happiness

Weald Community Primary School is a school for children aged five to eleven years. At the beginning of the new school year, all Reception children are nurtured carefully and introduced gradually to school life. Week 1 consists of morning school; in Week 2, children stay for lunch and by Week 3, they are ready for full days. All classes enjoy transition afternoons at the end of the Summer Term so that children have met their new teacher and are acclimatised to their new learning environments before the long holiday break.

The school is proud of its fine academic record and attainment in SATs as well as in the PESE 11+ examinations (see “Performance Results”). Much emphasis is placed on the social, moral, spiritual and cultural development and of children and ‘Growth Mindset’ through Character Education, PSHE and the Global Learning Programme. Coaching and mentoring is considered important in building strong relationships between all members of the community. The development of staff middle management opportunities and the Year 6/Reception buddy system is a testament to the effectiveness of these practices. Much transition work is conducted to ensure that children leave the school well-equipped for life at Secondary School and beyond.